Designpro Network specializes in the sectors:
Try out our C.m.s. Dpro 4.5 built with Laravel
Main features of our content management system Dpro 4.5
Dpro 4.5 Website Builder
Try our Content Management System bult with Laravel Framework, with a fast and intuitive User administration.
Customizable database
Customizable database for every type of business need, agile and quick work flow in the updating phase.
More than 45 modules
More than 47 modules developed and ready for use. Each module (functionality) can be designed ad hoc.
Four levels of users
Four levels of User, and 3 different levels of administrator allowed by the manager of the platform.
E-commerce with 3 payment systems
Paypal, Stripe, Bank transaction are the three methods that allow users online payments.
Fast and intuitive administration
Update your system in complete autonomy from your webmaster, and 24h / 7.
Web Development Options
Templates Web
Start now to build up your website, simply choose one of the web templates, and create your account.
Hosting Server Solutions
Hosting Cloud System

Ecommerce Shopping
System with Laravel Framework
Create your customized Ecommerce platform and start to sell online your products with a secure shopping cart system powered Designpro Network with Laravel framework. More than 45 modules ready and available to install. Three payment methods systems.
Other Network Services
Multimedia Video/Audio Editing
Our experts are able to produce Graphic Animations, Video Production/Editing, Digital movie effects, an many other services related with Multimedia.
SEO & SEM Marketing
The purpose is to ensure that, when a user searches Google for a specific keyword, his site appears among the first organic results of the SERP (Search E. Results Page).
Big Data Management
Big data management is the Analysis, the Organization and the Administration of a large volumes of structured and unstructured data.
Search for a domain name and register it
Check domain name availability; please enter a domain name (without the www.) and click the button Check domain, & follow the steps to register your domain name in 24h, thank'u.
end domain registration form
Get In Touch With Us
Offices locations
Designpro Network is a group with bases in Italy and Spain, with offices distributed throughout the European territory, and with customers all over the world.